Flawford Church

Flawford Excavation

What's in a Name

There are two forms of the name in use:

Flawford and Flawforth

The Ordnance Survey map shows ‘Flawford House’ whilst the road leading to the site is named ‘Flawforth Lane’. Generally most people refer to the site as Flawford.

Other forms of the word are

Flaggeford (1200), Flafue (1257), Flayaflor (1269), Fanflore (1402), and Flaforth (1458).

In 1610-11 John Speed published his county atlas. Sadly, in his map of this area he has misnamed Flawford, calling it Slanford. A tapestry map in 1632 based on Speed's map also kept the misspelling of Flawford.

Tapestry map of Flawford based on Speed's map


What does Flawford mean?

Older place name books suggest that it means a ‘paved floor’.Roman pavement

The most recent interpretation agrees that ‘ford/forth’ means floor but that flaw means variegated or multicoloured. It derives from the Saxon ‘Fag’ or ‘Fah’. As in Fawler in Oxfordshire it could mean a Roman tessellated pavement.

The excavations revealed a tessellated floor beneath the medieval floor.



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Home page

Where is Flawford?

What’s in a name?

The Excavation

Mid Bronze Age

Late Iron Age

Romano-British Villa

The Saxon Church

Building the Church phases 1-5

Building the Church phases 6-10

The Chantry Chapels of Flawford

The Demolition

The Gravestones

The Scattered Stones

Where to find the  evidence

The Flawford Alabasters

Harry James

The people involved

The Hermitage Museum


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