Flawford Church

Flawford Excavation


The Excavation

There had been some unrecorded digging at the site at the beginning of the century by J Bell. He had unearthed a few pieces of clear window glass which are now incorporated in a window of Edwalton church. In 1958 H O Houldsworth did some excavating on the site and his findings of medieval pottery is reported in the east Midlands Archaeological Bulletin No 6 (1963.19)

Work by the Ruddington Local History Society began in March 1967 and continued until 1984. The site was cleared and skimmed by a JCB which revealed an area of dark humus. This proved to be the floor of the depression which had earlier marked the position and ground plan of the church but which had been obliterated by the pigs which had occupied the site. The area excavated was the minimum required to accommodate the outer walls of the church building.

In the first few weeks of the excavation worked flints and Romano-British pottery were found. Eventually wall foundations were found that were clearly not related to the church buildings. The policy was to go no deeper than was necessary to expose the top of the foundations. In certain areas cuttings were made to a greater depth to investigate particular features.

In 1987 the excavation was back-filled and seeded. The outline of the final phase of the building was marked out in light brown stone and within this the outline of the original church was marked in grey stone. The old churchyard is now an amenity area and is maintained by Ruddington Parish Council.



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Where is Flawford?

What’s in a name?

The Excavation

Mid Bronze Age

Late Iron Age

Romano-British Villa

The Saxon Church

Building the Church phases 1-5

Building the Church phases 6-10

The Chantry Chapels of Flawford

The Demolition

The Gravestones

The Scattered Stones

Where to find the  evidence

The Flawford Alabasters

Harry James

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The Hermitage Museum


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